第二届玛格丽特·福尔博士女化学家奖揭晓! 2021-03-08

Dr. Margaret Faul Women in Chemistry Award


Women's Day

Science of Synthesis和Thieme Chemistry非常荣幸地宣布,来自瑞士苏黎世大学的Cristina Nevado教授获得第二届玛格丽特·福尔博士女化学家奖(Dr. Margaret Faul Women in Chemistry Award)。

Cristina Nevado被公认为合成有机化学领域的一颗后起之秀。由于其工作的广度和多样性,包括开发新的催化方法和阐明潜在的机理,在合成药用相关天然产物方面的重要贡献,以及生物活性化学探针的开发,她被一致推举为该奖项的杰出获得者。

颁奖礼将于2021年7月5日在European Symposium on Organic Chemistry Virtual Mini Symposium上举行。

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Cristina Nevado于2004年10月在马Autónoma University of Madrid获得有机化学博士学位,与Antonio Echavarren合作使用晚期过渡金属进行催化。她于2007年在苏黎世大学作为助理教授开始第一个独立职位,并在2011年获得了Thieme Chemistry Journals Award。2013年成为苏黎世大学的正教授。她的研究计划集中在复杂的化学合成和新的有机金属反应。


甄选委员会联合主席 Margaret Faul博士和Alois Fürstner教授对第二届获奖者发表了评论:

As we nominate our second Women in Chemistry awardee it is exciting to see the positive support and feedback we have obtained. We received many outstanding nominations and the award was very competitive, but I am delighted that Prof. Cristina Nevado was selected as our 2021 awardee. At the University of Zürich Cristina has developed an outstanding research program advancing new and innovative methods to the field of synthetic chemistry while being an excellent role model and mentor to our younger scientists and truly exemplifies the attributes of the award.

Dr. Margaret Faul (AMGEN Inc., USA)

I am thrilled that the Selection Committee chose Cristina as this year’s recipient of the Dr. Margaret Faul Award for Women in Chemistry. I have been following Cristina’s stellar independent career path very closely: the breadth and depth of her program are truly impressive, ranging from fundamental organometallic reactivity to medicinal chemistry. She is a role model as well as an excellent scientist, and hence a most deserving awardee.

Prof. Alois Fürstner (MPI Mülheim, Germany)

关于Dr. Margaret Faul Women in Chemistry Award


