Facial Plastic Surgery:Issue 03/2023 is ready! 2023-06-01

Issue 03 · Volume 39 · June 2023

Evidence-Based Medicine in Facial Plastic Surgery

Guest Editor: Emily A. Spataro, MD

Facial Plastic Surgery 2023年第3期现已上线,欢迎免费阅读本期主编精选论文。

从以临床医生的个人经验/专业知识为基础的治疗转变为以更广泛的知识为基础的治疗,已经渗透到医学的所有专业,但许多人发现面部整形手术中的这种方法令人不安。 那些反对在面部整形手术中采用以证据为基础的方法的人可能会担心,这种方法失去了医学的 "艺术",微妙的细微差别不能被量化、美学不能被简化为一个赔率、专家一生的实践不能与盒须图的范围相匹配。 对个人经验的依赖,无论多么善于观察和反思,都只限于在相当狭窄的学科和临床经验范围内的单一观察者。 面部整形手术起源于受人尊敬的外科医生个人观察的集体智慧;"作为艺术家的面部整形外科医生 "的手艺怎么可能被荟萃分析的结果所取代?

作为一个专业,我们已经通过早期外科医生的努力向前推进,并在偶尔的曲折中持续进步,以让我们更好地了解工作的临床场景。 基于证据的面部整形和重建手术方法可以被视为一种更好的工具、更好的图谱、更好的设备来指导我们实现我们的结果。 它可以帮助我们了解我们在哪些方面做得很好,以及我们可以改进的地方。 作为一个集体信息源,它可以让汇集的信息更均匀、更快速地传播知识,并且可以与专家的意见一起进行评估。

特邀编辑Emily Spataro医学博士和她召集的作者们对面部整形外科文献进行了批判性的审视,并从循证的角度对目前各种面部外科手术的证据进行了出色的回顾,包括下颌骨骨折的处理和莫氏缺陷修复,以及眼睑整形和面部老化治疗等主题。Kimura和Most讨论了 "为什么 "和 "如何 "使隆鼻手术的评估更具有证据基础。 正如你所看到的,我们的知识中仍有许多空白有待填补。 面部整形外科的循证医学(EBM)正处于起步阶段;本期作者展示了我们所知道的以及仍需努力的地方。

欢迎阅读本期全部论文,反思自己的临床实践,思考如何通过循证医学的集体智慧来增强你的表现和艺术性。认识到本领域的知识空白,以及如何填补这些空白。 循证医学提出的问题可能和它回答的问题一样多 - 这就是我们这个领域的魅力所在,我们在追求理想结果的过程中都会考虑这些问题。

Original article

Evidence-Based Medicine for Mandible Fracture Repair: Current Controversies and Future Opportunities

Thomas Barrett, John Chi

Mandibular fractures are among the most common facial fractures resulting from trauma. The nature of the injury, involved facial structures, presence of associated injuries, the dental status of the patient, comorbid conditions, and psychosocial context all must be considered by the surgeon when planning the optimal treatment for these patients. While consensus exists for many aspects of the management of mandibular trauma, some elements remain controversial. Three such topics—antibiotic therapy, treatment of subcondylar fractures, and management of the third molar—remain particularly controversial, with significant heterogeneity in practice patterns and without widely accepted evidence-based guidelines to standardize care. The goals of this work are to (1) review the historical perspective underlying these controversies, (2) summarize recent evidence shaping the current debate, and (3) highlight opportunities for continued efforts to identify best practices.


Original Research

Upper Blepharoplasty: An Evidence-Based Assessment of Preoperative Considerations and Surgical Techniques

Robi Nicolas Maamari 

Upper blepharoplasty is one of the most common facial plastic surgical procedures performed. Due to its growing popularity, an abundance of articles is available describing variations in the surgical technique and outcomes. As a result, it has become increasingly difficult to identify appropriate surgical literature validated by a high level of evidence. The purpose of this review is to identify and describe specific evidence-based components of the preoperative evaluation and surgical approach in upper blepharoplasty surgery.


Original Research

Evidence-Based Medicine: Rhinoplasty Surgical Outcomes

Kyle S. Kimura, Sam P. Most

Evidence-based medicine has become increasingly important in healthcare today by providing a process to examine the highest levels of research and apply them to clinical practice. Integrating the best available evidence to clinical decision making ensures that patients receive the highest level of care based on thoroughly reviewed and validated research. These concepts can also be applied to rhinoplasty, both aesthetic and functional, emphasizing the importance of data-driven decisions to improve clinical care.
